
miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014


                                WHAT IS IT ?
Tinea versicolor is a superficial infection of the skin caused by increased proliferation of the yeast Malassezzia furfur, a yeast which is part of the normal flora of the skin (skin is between 90 - 100% the population). For this reason it is not considered a contagious disease.

            HOW REPRESENT?
It is characterized by the appearance, especially during the fall or winter, a few macules (spots) irregular, tan or brownish color, with a thin peeling scratching ("sign uñada"), located in the neck, trunk and the proximal parts of extremities.
After sun exposure (summer) stains may become more visible and take a white colored (hypopigmented), contrasting with the surrounding skin (which is usually pigmented). The white patches are often the reason for consultation. They may be totally asymptomatic lesions or lead to itching of varying intensity.


We can perform topical antifungal treatment between 2 and 4 weeks. Topical antifungals usually applied to all affected areas (in extensive cases may be from the neck to the pubic region). Can also be performed oral antifungal treatment, but usually reserved for cases with frequent recurrences, with lesions affecting a large area, or after failure of topical treatment.
  After treatment the white spots do not disappear (immediately) and can take months to fully disappear.

                            HOW TO EVOLVE?

It is a disease that has no cure, but because the responsible body belongs to our normal flora, recurrences can be observed in the same individual


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